She'll be right mate!

In Australia, we have a common saying "She'll be right mate!" We use this expression for any number of reasons, when things are good or when things are bad. It's the positive Australian attitude that everything will work out or is currently fine.

As for the earth surviving its current environmental challenges, we believe it's true that "she'll be right". Our planet has been built and designed with wisdom to withstand much stress. The reasoning to believe the earth will not only survive but will exist forever is provided in this article here.

The Bible states Ecclesiastes 1:4 King James Version, "One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever."

Isaiah 45:18 King James Version, "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else."

With that positive point of view why make efforts to care for the earth when everything will work out fine at the end of the day? The answer is that all living things want and need to live on a clean, healthy earth without all the bad effects of toxic pollution. For example, learn about the effects of microplastic pollution in these short videos here.

EcoMarlee's aim is to inspire, educate and raise awareness of environmental issues through articles, books, videos and mechandise such as t-shirts and coffee mugs. There is also a "report your local environmental issue" on the website where people can gain assistance and exposure to issues that are affecting them. EcoMarlee acts as a environmental watchdog while staying nonpolitical. Report your local environmental issue here.

Members of the public simply report the environmental issue on this website along with exact location, as much details as possible and photos or video footage. Once this information has been provided a separate web page with URL will be created, which can then be passed on to other people / shire councils or government officials so they can get a quick, clear understanding of the problem with a view to a solution. (Also found through a website search).

Think of us as a environmental watchdog and please spread the word about us to your family and friends.